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Your bloodwork came back “normal”, but your still not feeling well? Here’s why

Fusion Wellness

Updated: Mar 9, 2024

Have you ever experienced persistent health issues, only to be told by your doctor, "Your bloodwork came back normal, we can't find anything wrong with you"? This can be incredibly frustrating, leaving you feeling unheard and unsure about the root cause of your discomfort. While bloodwork plays a valuable role in healthcare, it's important to understand its limitations and explore other potential avenues for diagnosis and holistic well-being.

The Balancing Act of Blood:

Our blood acts as a "homeostatic fluid," constantly striving for balance. This is crucial, as precise levels of various elements are essential for optimal body function. However, this balancing act can come at a cost to other parts of the body. When a particular element dips below a critical level in the blood, the body will "borrow" from other tissues and organs to maintain equilibrium.

For example, if the blood becomes too acidic, it might pull calcium from bones to neutralize the pH. This might not show up in the bloodwork immediately, but over time, it can contribute to the development of osteoporosis. Similarly, the body might pull essential fatty acids from organs or even the eyes to maintain blood levels, potentially leading to long-term health concerns.

The Hidden Story:

Therefore, seemingly "normal" blood results can mask underlying issues at the cellular and tissue level. This can explain why you might still feel unwell despite normal bloodwork. The imbalance or underlying condition simply hasn't reached the point of throwing off your blood levels yet. In some cases, it might take years for imbalances to manifest in the blood, potentially leading to delayed diagnoses and potential complications.

Beyond the Bloodstream:

So, what can you do if you suspect there's more to your story than your bloodwork suggests?

  • Open Communication: Discuss your concerns and symptoms with your doctor in detail. Don't hesitate to ask questions and express your concerns about how you feel, even if your bloodwork seems "normal."

  • Explore Other Avenues: Consider exploring additional diagnostic options, potentially in collaboration with your doctor. Functional medicine and holistic approaches might delve deeper into your unique health picture and identify underlying issues that might not be readily apparent in conventional tests.

  • Become Your Own Advocate: Remember, you know your body best. Don't ignore your intuition or dismiss your experience. Research credible health resources and advocate for yourself during your healthcare journey.

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